Monday, August 09, 2010

Success attracts success!

Here's an easy way to attract success: focus on what you're currently doing that feels successful to you.

In other words, choose to do activities where you feel competent and successful. Then, pause once in a while and FEEL how amazing it is -- this feeling of being successful at something.

What is important is NOT the activity per se, or how "important" it is. For example, you could be cooking a favorite dish, or doing a hobby.

What IS important is that you FEEL successful.

In short, the secret is that success attracts success.

How do you apply this principle to solve a problem in life?

For example, suppose you're deep in debt (many people are, so don't worry about it).

Normally, most people would -- upon examining that topic of personal debt -- immediately feel BAD. They feel they have FAILED. They feel they LET THEMSELVES DOWN. They feel they lacked control in the past, or lacked discipline.

Can you see how the above BAD FEELINGS, cannot lead to success?

Only success leads to (or attracts) success.

You might say, "Well, Peter, how can I NOT feel bad about my personal debt? Isn't personal debt (say, you owe $20,000 in student loan or other loans) a bad thing?"

No, it's not. It is a fact, a neutral situation. It only becomes a "bad thing" if you assign a NEGATIVE MEANING to it.

Don't believe me? Think about Donald Trump's situation during the real estate crash, where he owed 2 billion dollars in debt. All his multimillionaire friends were panicking, losing their sleep and even begging the bankers to give them a chance.

Trump, for his part, slept quite well and never had to beg. He simply and calmly negotiated with bankers while encouraging his team to clearly see the future, the amazing future that he described in great detail for them.

Trump understands that he is more powerful than anything that happens to him. Most people who have achieved enormous success -- and become teachers to many -- have similarly understood that they are more powerful than anything that happens to them.

They understand that nothing is negative in itself. An event or fact becomes negative ONLY IF you assign a negative meaning to it.

So, getting back to our person debt example, yes of course acknowledge how much debt you owe, and write it on your balance sheet (beside your assets column).

But do NOT get emotionally down because of your debt.

Think of the money game as a video game.

Sure, people who have zero debt, start the game with a score of "0." You might start the game with a negative score of "-20,000" but you KNOW you can get back to zero, and then start having a positive score.

So WHERE you start playing the money game, is not that important.

In fact, if you start with a negative score (ie. you're deep into debt), then your glory will be all the greater once you come back and get your "financial revenge"!

My point is simply that one should never, ever feel bad about anything.

Yes, acknowledge INTELLECTUALLY where you are (whether it's your finance, weight, health, social life, love life, family life, career, etc.) but do NOT feel bad about any of it.

Feeling bad about being in a bad situation, WILL make things WORSE. It will attract MORE evidence that matches your feeling bad.

Even in a bad situation, there is a "fruit" that you can pick -- a lesson that you can learn.

Your job is not to "get out" of the bad situation but "get into it" deeper until you see the fruit or the lesson that's in there for you!

The fruit or the lesson WILL bring you out of the bad situation!!

Think of it this way: a bad situation is like cold syrup, a full glass of it. It might taste bad, but you MUST drink ALL of it in order to get the full benefit.

Now, I'm not saying that upon looking at your liabilities or debt, you should jump up and down with joy! You can't do that authentically, anyways. You know you'd be faking joy.

You would probably feel bad or guilty, but accept those feelings. Feel them fully, yet do not get attached to those emotions.

How can I explain this paradox, where you should FEEL the negative emotions yet NOT get attached to them?

Okay, I got it. Imagine that you're an actor, and you play out your role fully and FEEL all the emotions attached to the character. Yet, at the same time, you KNOW deep inside that you're an actor. You are NOT the character who is struggling with personal debt.

Friends, that is the true power of spirituality: it's the ability to remove yourself from the "stage of life" and embrace your identity as the witness, and not just the actor playing a role in life.

The character you are playing, might feel down and depressed because he has personal debt problems, but there IS an aspect of you that is also the detached observer or witness, and this entity CAN feel success.

So to FEEL successful even in the midst of a crisis or personal problem, you must practice the art of DETACHING yourself from your drama.

As you emotionally detach yourself from your drama, you gain a powerful, new and higher vantage point from which you can easily see many perspectives that make you feel successful.

And as you FEEL successful and acknowledge your courage and positive qualities, you will effortlessly attract situations, opportunties, resources, etc. that will REFLECT your state of feeling and being successful.

In short, success attracts success.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Make money by packaging Youtube videos into a DVD

A columnist suggested that a person could create DVDs containing free applications (e.g. Audacity, Freemind, etc.) and sell those DVDs worldwide.

I thought it was a pretty good idea. Easy and simple.

I would go further: you could use to download Youtube videos onto your desktop or laptop, burn them into a DVD, and sell those DVDs worldwide also.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Create wealth by REUSING what you already have and are

Here's a success secret that not too many people know. You'll see shortly why Einstein was totally right when he said that imagination is more important than intelligence.

Here's the secret principle for creating massive wealth:

Reuse what you already have and are.

When people seek wealth leading, of course, to financiall freedom (if your annual passive income surpasses the cost of sustaining your favorite lifestyle), they usually focus on acquiring MORE.

More assets, more clients, more products, more markets, etc.

Nothing wrong with that, except that it's arithmetic, not geometric.

Arithmetic, means 2 + 3 +4, etc.

Geometric, means 2 X 3 X 4!

Arithmetic gives you a score of 9, while geometric gives you 24.

Each number can refer to the value of each asset you have. So "2" could refer to the value of your cell phone, "3" could refer to the value of your laptop, etc.

So 2 + 3, means you're putting your cell phone beside your laptop. Together, they have -- on a balance sheet -- a combined value of 5.

2 X 3, however, means you use your cell phone IN CONJUNCTION with your laptop, so as to reuse both in a second way.

Reusing ANY asset in a DIFFERENT way, will AUTOMATICALLY increase its value (no matter what your accountant will say, since he focuses on the book value of an asset and NOT on its "use value").

This is why Swiss knives are so popular: you can use them for SO MANY DIFFERENT PURPOSES.

Okay, here's an example of how you might be using your cell phone IN CONJUNCTION with your laptop.

Your laptop is connected to the Web, and on your cell phone, you have a client. So you walk him through an online PowerPoint presentation that you've uploaded on Google Docs.

Your cell phone is used WITH your laptop, to create value (educational value in this case).

Specifically, your client gets audio and visual.

In such a case, your cell phone has a HIGHER value, and so does your laptop.

This HIGHER value is added on top of the initial value of a cell phone (talking) and the initial value of a laptop (working alone).

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to identify all your current assets and devise ways to use them DIFFERENTLY, either by themselves or in conjunction with other assets.

Notice that this geometric method of increasing your value, does NOT require that you spend cash on acquiring NEW assets (equipment, client list, prospect list, furniture, etc.).

However, it does require imagination. You must imagine what MORE your current assets CAN do for you (or for your client).

It requires right-brain thinking. It requires that you "unfocus" temporarily from what you THINK an object is designed to do, and then you give that object a NEW function or usage.

A rather extreme example of how a person has used his imagination to create massive wealth, is Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist.

He used the Internet in a DIFFERENT way, to enable millions of people to anonymously do transactions with millions of other people.

Today, 50 million users use Craigslist every month.

My point is that wealth comes from your imaginative reuse of existing assets.

In the next post, I'll talk about how I use Audacity (a free sound editing software application) in conjunction with Windows Movie Maker (also free) to create instructional videos I upload at

Notice that, once again, these apps by themselves don't offer as much value as when you use them TOGETHER.

It is by making assets work TOGETHER in capitalistic fashion, that you create massive wealth.