Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Create & Circulate in order to create wealth

The wealth creation formula for creating wealth via the Internet, is very simple: CREATE & CIRCULATE.

I have over 1,000 connections on Linkedin, and no one has (yet) circulated to me something they created.

Sure, I receive business proposal letters, requests for help, etc.

But no creation.

Friends, my point is very simple: Linkedin is of no business or financial value until you've created a product (physical or digital) that you can offer to your Linkedin connections (and even to the connections of your connections -- in that case, a small fee should be given to your connections for forwarding your offer).

If you are a user of Facebook, the same truth applies: no product, no economic usefulness, no money.

If your definition of "success" includes having lots and lots of money, then please consider (seriously) ways of using the Internet to your own advantage.

How? By doing what I wrote above: Create and Circulate.

So how do you create a product?

This is an important question because if you are an employee, chances are, your employer has never trained you on creativity techniques like Edward de Bono's (I've read all his books, the man is a genius).

I can tell you how I created my information products, which are now sold worldwide.

The Ideal Career workshop was the first, created in 2005 and now taught as a special workshop at McGill University for management students.

The BMW workshop was my second "hit", details at

Remember, once you create information products or, in the two cases above, instructional products, YOUR FORTUNE IS MADE.

That's because you can offer your info products (at sites like Payloadz) to an INFINITY of buyers online.

Does this mean that a job is bad, since it doesn't really encourage you to create products that you legally own?

Not necessarily. A job is just "free, paid training."

I've always had that attitude, which is why during the 90s (in my 20s), I worked for corporations and learned everything I could from them.

I know all the secrets of IBM, American Express, a large law firm, CDI Corporate Education Services, etc.

Knowing all their secrets, has made me a fearless and lethal entrepreneur today (just kidding... I wouldn't harm a fly).

Anyways, a job is just paid training, and you should seriously consider "graduating" to become an entrepreneur.

Of course, if you're happy at your job and want to remain in it for a long time, hey, more power to you! Don't let me ruin your party.

I'm just saying that you could launch a startup based on your PASSION and make PROFITS from it.

About 10% of Canadians decide to leave the corporate workplace and launch their firm. Most fail.

Even those who build a business based on their passion?

So what's the problem?

WARNING: The following segment contains explicit adult material. If you're under 18, please get back to your homework or go chat on Facebook (just kidding).

The problem is that people don't understand how to use the concept of "orgasm" in business. Too many just fake it.

As for the rest who do not fake it, they are unable to achieve it for several reasons.

(to be continued)