Monday, January 28, 2008

Money is philosophy

There's nothing more philosophical than money. Indeed, at the heart of the issue of money is the most important philosophical question of all: "How shall I spend my life?"

Let me put it this day:

1. Everybody needs money to survive in society
2. To get money, you have to do something
3. So the main question in life is, "What is that thing which I do which will bring me money so I can have a good life?"

Everybody agrees with points #1 and #2, except perhaps sons and daughters who inherit a large sum of money. But even in their case, they cannot escape the question "How shall I spend my life?"

The challenge lies in answering the question in point #3.

As a broad generalization, let's say that everybody wants to make a lot of money. Some even want great wealth and financial freedom.

The question then becomes, "Do you want to acquire great wealth the easy way or the hard way?"

If you look at Nature itself, you immediately realize that everything grows abundantly AND most naturally! I've never seen a tree "making an effort" in order to grow. Have you?

Even birds fly high in the sky with apparent ease. This is because they have highly developed sensors under their wings which allow them to detect streams of hot air on which they glide. This way, they don't have to flap their wings.

Even geese flying in formation (in the shape of a "V") focus on achieving ease and grace by positioning themselves so that each goose benefit from the vacuum created by the goose flying in front. This way, each goose reduces the air resistance by 30%. Only the leader goose -- right out in front -- experiences the fullness of air resistance. Fortunately, each goose will willingly rotate into the leader position so as to share the load.

If those geese could look down at us humans, they would probably wonder why we all seem to work alone. Why do most people insist on competing alone and striving alone without collaborating with other people?

This concept of collaboration is very relevant to the question of how to spend one's life. If you network and collaborate with others, as many people do on Linkedin, then you can align with the efforts of others and achieve success more easily and more effortlessly.

But before a person begins networking and collaborating, he/she has to answer the question posed by Einstein: "Do you believe the world is a friendly place or a hostile place?"

This is why I say that money is philosophy. This is why Jim Rohn says that to change your fortune, you must change your philosophy.

Philosophy is the foundation for wealth. This is because philosophy is the ultimate instrument for helping a person to align with her true self and the universe around her.

Once a person finds her true self, it is very difficult for the world to resist her. As a result, it is very easy for her to get what she wants: all the happiness and all the wealth that she can imagine for herself.