Sunday, January 20, 2008

Financial freedom depends on mental freedom

Most people want financial freedom. They want the freedom from having to "work for a living."

This is a legitimate desire. It is indeed the right of every human being to live a fantastic life, exactly as he/she wants it. Freedom is the basis for such a fabulous life.

If that is the case, how come most human beings do NOT achieve financial freedom?

That's because they forgot one thing which they ALL knew when they were kids: we all have ABSOLUTE MENTAL FREEDOM.

Nobody, not even God himself, can force you to think a thought that you do not want to think about.

Yet, not realizing that they have ABSOLUTE MENTAL FREEDOM, most people keep thinking the same thoughts over and over again.

This self-imposed "mental bondage to the past" is what prevents people from achieving financial freedom. Other factors such as access to opportunities, intellectual skills, talents, etc. pale in comparison, because unless you have mental freedom, you will NOT be able to capitalize on ANY external advantage or resource or opportunity.

The first step to financial freedom, therefore, is to FREE YOUR MIND.

Let me give you an example. Last May 2007, I dared to think that I could create a special club for women aged 18 to 30 years of age. This "Club 1830" would serve young women by giving them ALL the tools, resources, assets, training, opportunities, connections, etc. that they require in order to have a fabulous life. I dared to think that within 2 years, this Club 1830 would have 10,000 members.

This big idea (which now seems rather small, since I'm thinking of aiming for 100,000 members) is now rapidly becoming a reality.

My point is that once you stretch your mind by thinking a BIG thought, your mind will NEVER shrink back to its original size.

And once you learn to expand your mind by having big ideas and big thoughts, then you will create in your mind and life a big space which will ALLOW an endless flow of wealth opportunities to flow into it.

As a result, you will naturally become fabulously rich.