Sunday, January 20, 2008

Conversation with a newborn

Yesterday, I had the immense pleasure and pride of holding in my arms my new nephew, who was only three days old. We had a very interesting conversation. Below is the verbatim transcript, if you can believe it. In fact, I'd love to have a similar conversation with every newborn.

"Hey! Tonton Pierre! How are you?! Please excuse me if I'm not smiling, I haven't yet learned to control my facial muscles! So, what's this world all about? I'm so excited!"

- Yes, indeed. Welcome beloved little one!

- Oh, before I forget, did you know that everyone on the other side of the Veil is really intrigued by your work? Some believe you will change the course of humanity.

- Yes, I sense it too. By the way, flattery will get you anywhere with me. :-)

- Can I ask you a question?

- Of course! You're my nephew, you can ask me anything -- except money.

- Upon arriving on this Earth, I detected using my sixth sense an unusual amount of fear in this world. My five senses are not yet developed, but as you know, my sixth sense is still quite sharp. Why is there so much fear?

- It's a long story, but basically, humans have forgotten that they have the spiritual power to create the life experience they want.

- But how can they forget that? What else is there to shape their life experience, if it's not their spiritual mind? Don't they know that the structure of their life experience is preemptively set by the structure of their unconscious mind?

- Well, people have come to believe that it is their physical actions that create results in their lives. They believe actions matter more than thoughts.

- You must be joking, right? Thoughts ARE actions. We all know that, no? Thoughts are actions performed by the mind on the universe at the quantum level. Haven't scientists discovered that yet?

- Not yet, I'm afraid. We live in a world that is very mechanistic, very Newtonian. We believe that effects only come from actions.

- But don't people know that thoughts are much more powerful than physical actions, and that in fact, a series of consistent and aligned thoughts can create a parallel universe in which a person begins to control more and more deliberately what comes to him, until his life is precisely what he had in mind a while ago?

- I see that your understanding of how the universe functions is quite advanced. You have stated in a single sentence what Einstein himself could not understand in a lifetime.

- So does that mean I can create the life that I want?

- Well, that depends on whether you can successfully ignore the indoctrination of society, culture and, above all, the educational system. But don't worry, I'll be there to guide you so you can fully develop your Jedi powers. In time, you will call me "Master." :-)

- Oh, wait! Here's my Mom, trying to take a picture of you and me! Can you please smile for me, I'm trying hard but I can't control my facial muscles yet!

(to be continued)