Saturday, January 12, 2008

Turn your knowledge into money, Part 1 of 4

Many people write to me expressing their desire to know how to "turn their knowledge into money."

Some have been doing the same thing for 12 years, and wonder whether they have knowledge that is "commercializable." That is, they wonder whether it is possible for them to "monetize" their knowledge.

The first question I would ask people is, "Would you be able to sell a bottle of water for $100?"

Most people would answer "No."

But what if you had a bottle of water and encountered a person who just came out of a desert and was dying to drink some water because his body was completely dehydrated?

My point is simple yet it could reveal a great many insights for people who want to turn their knowledge into money: the VALUE of your knowledge is never IN your knowledge itself, but depends on what another human being is going through.

Knowledge is simply food -- different people have different foods to offer. Knowledge is also a drink. Different people have different drinks to offer.

Knowledge is anything that another person would accept to put into their mind, just as a food or drink is anything that a person is willing to ingest into their body.

The AMAZING thing is this: unlike food or drinks, when you give away your knowledge, you still have it!

Imagine that your knowledge is an apple, and you walk through the city and you give away apples to every person you meet. People thank you for the sweet apple, but they also wonder: "Hey, mate! How come you've been giving away apples (hundreds of them) and you keep on giving apples like that? Where do you get your apples? You seem to have an infinite supply of apples!"

And you respond: "My friend, not only do I have an infinite supply of apples, but every time I give away an apple, I create another fruit -- and that fruit instantly becomes infinite so the day after, I can give away an infinite number of that fruit. For example, tomorrow, I'm giving away thousands and thousands of oranges. And then the day after that, I'm giving away thousands and thousands of mangos."

- But how were you able to discover the secret to growing so many fruits?

- I listened to Peter. He said: "The more you give, the more you have. The more you try to get, the less you have."

- What does it mean?

- It means that ONLY when you feel abundant, will you attract abundance. If you want to become wealthy, ACT like a wealthy person and give away everything you have. Give away your books, your bookmarks, your knowledge, your favorite blogs, etc. Share with as many people as possible and you will become rich.

The rich get richer because they give away everything they got, to as many people as possible, as often as possible. The more they give, the more they receive. So the rich (the truly rich) are almost "obsessed" (in a good way!) about finding more and more ways to give away all the value they got.

The poor have a "poor" image of themselves, and are focused on their "poverty," so they try to hide what they have and refuse to give to anybody. So they remain poor.

Whenever you see a poor person, it is always because he/she thinks poorly. Such a person is not good or bad, it's just that he hasn't discovered the way to "think and grow rich," as Napoleon Hill brilliantly put it.

Many people come across a blog such as this one, with over 720 posts on success secrets. They immediately share it with all their friends, family and coworkers. They think "rich" and as they share the knowledge, they will inevitably come across many opportunities to become wealthy.

But there are people who think "poor" and try to hide value from others, they think that "only by keeping value to myself will I become rich." That is really against the law of the universe, so not surprisingly, people who hoard knowledge remain poor.

Everything in nature grows and blossoms and blooms naturally. Plants and trees grow naturally and offer everything they have to all around them. They never try to "keep value for themselves."

I've never seen a tree trying to hide a fruit so it can keep it for itself!

I've never seen a dog trying to keep its joy to itself! Quite the opposite: dogs will share their joy and happiness of being alive with their masters.

It's the same with knowledge. As we adopt the natural (i.e. powerful) principle of "giving away in order to receive more," we will naturally become wealthy.

The correct way to think, so that you can turn your knowledge into money, is to ask yourself: "Who could benefit from my knowledge?" Then, seek those people and offer them your knowledge.

You are like a tree and your fruits must be given to others. In the same way that a fruit cannot benefit the tree that gave it birth, your knowledge will not enrich you as long as you hang on to it. You must give away your knowledge.

I have been doing this for the last two years, writing at least one post per day. And wealth is coming to me faster than I can handle it!

Wealth will come to you too, if you spend some time considering and clarifying what it is that you know which could be useful to another person.

(to be continued)