Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Price is Write

The price of fortune is to write what you know.

Steve Pavlina, whom I've recommended before, makes $40,000 a month from his website ( Like me, Steve is a Generation X fellow, so I'm always happy to promote a generational peer. :-)

Another amazing success story is Matt Morris, the young millionaire founder and president of, which made a million dollar in sales in its first year.

I will write more later about the hardship these men have had to overcome early in life, but for now, let me just share with you what Peter Drucker once said: "Every time you see a successful business, it's because a courageous decision was once made."

I will also discuss later how you can embed a commitment mechanism into a decision to make sure you stick to it. Indeed, making a decision is not hard. When difficulties arise, most people will also easily "undecide" and that second decision to quit has enormous consequences on how they view themselves and their self-esteem, so this is an important issue I will write more about.