Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Work from the future, not toward the future


Can I invite you to read about my company's future, 20 years from now: exciting future.

Talentelle was created this year, yet my sister Zoonie (founder and VP Sales) and myself (CEO) have a clear vision of where we want the company to be and do.

We are two little people who, nevertheless, have Googlish ambitions. We want to serve 3 billion women, and also serve the girls/women who are not yet born.

Whereas Google helps people find information, we want to help women find their dream career and pursue it with courage, dedication and passion.

The existence of Pink Magazine (click HERE) only proves that this market is about to explode.

The success secret (and trust me, I've fully tested this secret in my own life) is to THINK BIG.

There's even an excellent book on thinking big: The Magic of Thinking Big. It was written over 40 years ago, yet it is as relevant as ever!

In future posts, I will include a few excerpts from that book.