Thursday, August 03, 2006

The price is write!

If you ask any person on Earth how he learned to speak, he would probably say: "Well, first, I was just babbling. Then, I babbled some more. And then, more babbling until I finally got ONE sentence right!"

It's the same with writing.

People who insist on not being able to write properly, and say: "Oh, I was not born to be a writer", are severely limiting their economic potential.

It's like a baby who refuses to babble and learn to speak, and who says: "Oh, I was not born to be a speaker."

Yet, in many ways, writing is infinitely more valuable, as a skill, than speaking.

When you speak, you can make mistakes. The other person would immediately say: "I'm sorry, I didn't get it, what do you mean exactly by that?"

When you write, you can't make a mistake. If a reader misunderstands you, you'll have to live with the consequences.

So writing definitely is more demanding intellectually than merely speaking. If speaking were so hard, most teenage girls wouldn't spend so much time talking on the phone! :-)

But there's more.

Writing is also economically more valuable than speaking. When you speak, you usually speak to one, two or three people. They have to be close to you physically and temporally.

With writing, it's totally different. You can write for thousands of people. For instance, I'm Feature Editor of a community newspaper, and every month, at least 10,000 people read my feature story on a beautiful, talented Asian woman.

But was I born a natural writer? Of course not. I had to "babble" for a long time with pen and paper. In fact, when I go over stuff I wrote 15 years ago, my first reaction is to reach for some matches so I can burn the piece of paper and get rid of the "evidence"! (Evidence of literary mediocrity).

But what has all this got to do with YOU? What is the success secret?

The SS is basically that by learning how to write properly, you can dramatically multiply your income.

Wealth has a price, and the price is write!

If the Internet, and in particular blogging software, were not invented, it would not be worth it for you to learn how to write. Even if you were a good writer, you would face challenges in finding a publisher, in marketing your book, etc.

But now, it takes only five minutes to set up a blog at It takes about half an hour to set up a Subscribe button (like the one on this blog). And after that, you are more or less permanently connected to your readers. Because you KNOW that readers rely on you, this will motivate you every single day (in the same way that I am super motivated every day, because I see that more and more people are subscribing to this blogzine!).

"But what would I write about?" you might ask.

Write about what you know well, or what you like passionately.

After you begin writing, your consciousness will begin to transform itself. You will see things that you didn't see before.

This is why I like this quote, read years ago: "Good stories only happen to people who know how to tell good stories."

Same thing with Leonardo Da Vinci: by learning how to draw, he was able to pay more attention to everything he was seeing every day. That sharpened visual acuity, in turn, improve his drawing skills, and so on and so forth until he became a master illustrator.