Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Magic is hidden logic

"Magic is hidden logic, and logic is discovered magic."

In June 1987, at the Excellence Ceremony of Jeanne-Mance high school, I went up on stage in front of thousands of students, and was recognized as the Valedictorian of my graduating class.

Afterwards, many parents came to congratulate me. I could see in their eyes that they had deep respect for what I had achieved. They thought that being a Valedictorian -- the student with the highest GPA of the school -- was an extraordinary feat.

But I have to confess that I didn't do most of the work. It was magic that achieved that feat.

All I did was follow the rules of magic, and then they gave me a gold medal that was 3 inches wide.

By "magic," I mean "hidden logic." My success secret (or hidden logic) was to study every day, for five years.

My way of thinking was, "I'm a student at this high school, so my MAIN job is to study."

I didn't pay much attention to girls. In fact, I had no clue about how to date a girl. Toward the end of my high school years, I asked a good friend of mine (a real party animal who was somehow very popular with the girls) about his "best practices" for dating.

He must have thought I had just descended from the moon, nevertheless he took my question serious and wrote one whole page on the Do's and Don'ts of dating!

"You gotta talk to her, ask her a lot of questions. Girls love to talk. And if you feel that they're slowing down, then throw in another question and that will get them started again."

Brilliant advice, it works!

But back to magic.

You can achieve what others consider to be magical, IF you ruthlessly follow cosmic laws. These are the laws of the universe, and no man or woman can break these laws. If you try, these laws will break you.

Think of martial arts masters. First, they learn the principles. Next, they practice again and again and again. Thousands of times.

Then one day, they appear on TV and do what seems like magic. Think of Bruce Lee or Jet Li.

No matter what field you work in, the success secret is to try hard to discover the hidden logic (or the secret principles). Once you discover them, forget everything else and spend as much time as possible practicing the application of those principles.