Sunday, August 06, 2006

Free your mind, then free your money

Your human capital (the package of skills, experience, judgment, education, energy, motivation, etc.) that you sell to your employer, is not that different from your financial capital (the money you give to a bank in exchange for a fixed interest rate).

In both cases, you lose. You lose as an employee because your salary is fixed, and you lose as savings bank account holder because the interest rate is fixed.

So who wins? The employer and the bank.

The employer exploits your human capital to the max, in order to create more value or distribute that value to more customers. The bank exploits your savings to the max by giving loans to businesses or individuals at a higher rate than the interest rate they give you.

The elite's success secret is the common person's failure secret: in other words, most people fail in life because they keep doing something that guarantees their failure, yet they don't know it! (Hence, it's a failure secret).

The elite wins in life, because they keep doing something that makes them win, and they don't share that something with other people (hence, they have and practice success secrets).

The success secret here is that you have to free your mind, before you can free your money. If you don't free your money (that is, if you keep it locked up in a bank), you will never become rich. (Or you might, when you're 65 and you can't enjoy your money anymore!).

Freeing one's mind is the single greatest challenge of any human being who grew up in society and has been conditioned by powerful mass institutions to become a docile, obedient and intellectually powerless individual who will obey commands by employers, advertisers, governments or any other authorities set up by the elite.