Friday, August 11, 2006

Desk people vs disk people


Desk people are office people who, generally, work behind a desk -- sometimes they have an office, but more often than not, they have only a cubicle.

Disk people can work anywhere. Their "desk" is actually a laptop or Palm pilot or any device onto which they can record their work results or cerebral output.

Desk people will eventually lose while disk people may have won big already.

Desk people lose because whatever work that they do, cannot be reused by another person or cannot be sold to millions of people over the Internet.

Disk people, on the other hand, work only ONCE and then sell their "disk", which contains all their work output, to a potentially limitless market.

If you wonder whether you are a desk professional or a disk professional, ask yourself this question: Would you be able to burn all the knowledge you have onto a CD and sell it to someone for $10?

If the answer is no, then you are a desk professional, and your career / livelihood will forever depend on your employer.

If the answer is yes, then you might become extremely rich IF you know how to package your knowledge assets and sell it to thousands of people via the Internet.