Friday, March 14, 2008

Are you king or pawn?

A little known secret is that I have an army of over 1,000 employees worldwide who work for me.

An even lesser known secret is that YOU, too, have such an army of 1,000 employees working for you.

Most people are not aware of this totally awesome and insane fact, and this is why they struggle in life. They don't understand that there are over 1,000 talented professionals and managers working FOR them.

Another secret, perhaps more frightening, is that there are 1,000,000 people working AGAINST you. Every day, they plan and plot and conspire to make you FORGET about your goals and especially forget about your sovereign power over yourself, your life, your destiny.

Once again, most people are NOT aware of the 1,000,000+ people who are working every day to rob them of their focus and power.

In other words, 95% of people don't know WHO is working FOR them and WHO is working AGAINST THEM.

The strange thing is that a person who is working FOR me, could be working AGAINST you. And vice versa: someone who is working FOR you, could be working AGAINST me.

Okay, I think I've created enough suspense so let me explain what I mean before you go bonkers!

The 1,000 employees who work for me are authors. They write books (NOT newspapers or magazines).

They did research for YEARS and then spent at least one year putting down on paper the BEST of their research. In most cases, their books are so well written and organized that if given the choice between spending an evening TALKING to them or spending an evening READING their books, I would choose the latter (no offense to their personal charm and charisma, of course). I choose to read their thoughts because their books are likely to transfer their knowledge to me much more efficiently than if I were to have a conversation with them.

Here are some of my best "employees": Peter Drucker, Mack Hanan, Anthony Robbins, Robert Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, Tom Peters, Shoshana Zuboff, Edward de Bono, Adrian Slywotzky, James Martin, Tim Sanders, Baltasar Gracian, Richard Worzel, Richard Samson, Mihaly (author of Flow - the psychology of optimal experience), Robert Greene, Wayne Dyer, Ray Kurzweil, Steven Pinker, Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, David Schwartz, Michael Cunningham, Larry Smith, Don Tapscott, Jay Abraham, Rich Schefren, Abraham-Hicks, Marianne Williamson, Sun Tzu, George Friedman, etc.

These people are truly the BEST in their field. (Hey, I only "hire" the best!).

In my subjective, private universe, they come to me and kneel down while uttering, with deep respect and reverence: "Super Peter, my sovereign lord! I have diligently worked hard over the last few years to compress the best of my knowledge into a book that I hereby offer for consideration by your sacred consciousness. Please accept my humble offering which I hope can help you realize your dream of mastering the universe."

The bottom line is aptly summarized by a Spanish proverb: "After the game of life is over, both the king and the pawn return to the same box."

In other words, you can CHOOSE to be a king or a pawn in this life. What you choose to be matters a great deal to you, for your supreme choice will preemptively and programmatically DETERMINE the kind of life you will have.

Whether you choose to be a wealthy and powerful king, or a struggling and powerless pawn, is totally up to you. Nobody can make that choice for you.

Even if my closest friends or dearest relatives chose to be mere pawns, there is nothing I can do for them. I can only offer the opportunity to make a choice, and clarify for them the escalatory destiny that inevitably comes from such a choice. ("Escalatory" in the sense that once you make a step in one direction, it will get easier and easier to "slide" down that path. In other words, if you choose to be king, you will find it easier and easier to think, feel and act like a king. If you choose to be a powerless pawn, you will attract (by virtue of your supreme choice of who to be) more and more of the events, people and "coincidences" that will make it easier and easier to become MORE of a pawn).

Summary: Identity is Destiny.

In other words, identity (your mostly unconscious belief about whether you are a ruling king (or queen) or a submissive pawn) is more powerful than the force of gravity.

Your identity continually and relentlessly attracts to yourself all the elements (people, events, things, etc.) that will REINFORCE your chosen identity.

Upcoming posts:

- How do I know whether I'm a pawn or a king?
- How to make the transition from pawn to king
- Who are the 1,000,000 people who oppose my ascension to the throne?
- What is "personal history" and how does it impede my personal growth?
- How do I increase the spaciousness of my "present" in order to feel free to make empowering and sovereign choices?