Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Internet exists to make you rich. Period.

This post might get me in trouble with the Dean of the Faculty of Management at McGill University, but what the heck, I care much more about the truth than a piece of vellum with an impressive institutional seal on it!

I studied business for three years at McGill University, from 1996 to 1999, yet I did not -- I repeat, did NOT -- learn about business.

No, I did not skip any class. In fact, I graduated with Distinction (GPA of "A"). Several professors told me I was their best student (and, of course, I fully and immediately agreed with their highly accurate statement). :-P

Of the dozen or so group projects, I was the leader AND the writer of the final report. We usually got "A" for those reports and presentations.

Yet, throughout my studies at McGill, I never heard about Adrian Slywotzky, Peter Drucker, Mack Hanan, Tom Peters, T. Harv Eker (well, okay, he was not famous at that time), Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Edward de Bono, etc.

These folks have been my REAL business teachers. I've studied their material most carefully, and have read their books over and over and over to FULLY master business principles.

Don't get me wrong. I loved every management teacher I had. They were smart people who had something to teach, for sure. And I did learn from them.

But I also live by what Leonard Da Vinci once wrote: "Sad is the student who does not surpass his master." This is why I will become a millionaire this year. (Here's a secret I recommend that you memorize: "It is not possible to not become a millionaire when you teach others how to become a millionaire." In other words, the precise teaching stimulates precise thinking, which stimulates or activates precise being, which culminates in precisely having what you desire.) And I will teach business to millions of people. Because I know, from personal experience, that business is not taught at the BCom level, nor I suspect at the MBA level, I feel it is my moral duty to teach business to liberate people's economic creativity (that is, creativity that generates real value) and enable them to achieve financial freedom.

My point is that there is a huge difference between "management" and "business."

A manager works every day to manage someone else's business while a business person is running his/her own business.

A manager is responsible for a team or a function (e.g. accounting department, marketing department, etc.) while a business person is responsible for how the WHOLE business system operates and performs, in order to maximize return on investment or capital.

There are millions of managers on Linkedin, yet most of them are not financially free. They are still working for somebody else. They are employees, like most people.

You have a shot at becoming financially free (i.e. not having to work for a living, although you CAN choose to do ANY kind of work you like which actualizes your potential) only if you become an entrepreneur. But like I said, even in business schools, they don't teach business. They don't teach students how to become an entrepreneur or independent business person.

I'm not complaining, of course, because I can then bring my BMW workshop to ALL business schools in the world and make a killing. :-)

Gen Y people (aged 18 to 30) are much more aggressive about living the good life than Gen X and Baby Boomers, who grew up with different beliefs and values. The latter believe in the work ethic while Gen Y, I suspect, believes more in the "worth ethic": They ask questions like, "Is this job WORTH my time? My precious time in this short life?" Gen Y also respects themselves more, and respects the Joneses less. That is, they will not work like crazy in order to generate more money so as to "keep up with the Joneses."

Gen Y even has tools like Facebook to help facilitate business networking and customer relationship management. Unfortunately, most people have not yet realized that Facebook is an instrument to help them achieve financial freedom. I predict many people will become millionaires by using Facebook strategically, in the same way that many people DID become millionaires by using Google/AdSense strategically and commercially.

Linkedin is yet another great business tool which, somehow, is used by professionals and managers merely as a "networking" tool. What they don't realize is that social networking sites like Facebook and Linkedin are in fact creating an enormous "disequilibrium" situation where a person can suddenly amass great social power and multiply connections for the purpose of creating or co-creating value and wealth in collaboration with thousands of other like-minded people.

The key question that none of the 18 million users of Linkedin are asking is: "What do I have that is of value and that I can distribute through the Web to all my connections?"

That's the million-dollar question. That's the mark to aim for. And 99.99% of Linkedin users are completely missing the mark.


Here's what I mean: If you had a PDF document worth $1 and you legally owned the copyright, you could sell it to 18 million Linkedin users (assuming, of course, that the appeal and value of your document are aligned with the needs and interests of the typical Linkedin user).

Even if your knowledge, captured in a PDF document, were priced at $0.50, you could still become rich through Linkedin or Facebook. Read the book The Long Tail to know more about this new commercial doctrine of selling bits and pieces to the entire world.

In other words, employees sell their ENTIRE self: they show up at work and perform whatever tasks prescribed in their job description. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, sell bits and pieces of themselves and their mind, in the form of products that can be easily circulated through existing distribution networks.

In the past, it was difficult, if not impossible, for a normal person to build such distribution networks. Today, however, these networks have been built by others at a cost of millions of dollars! Youtube, Linkedin, Facebook, etc. were built for you! And it cost you absolutely NOTHING!

All you have to do is USE them in order to enrich yourself and others.

The Internet, my friends, is truly the Land of Millionaires. If you're not using the Internet to create value and build wealth so that you can eventually retire rich at an early age like 30 or 35,
then you do not know the power of the Internet.

Using the Internet just for email or surfing websites, is like merely using the headlights of a Formula 1 race car to signal your intentions to others!

The whole point of the existence of the Internet is to ENRICH YOU! And you can enrich yourself only by enriching other people (whom you connect to through the Internet!).

In a future post, I'll talk about this interesting yet somewhat plausible scenario: Imagine that a Supreme or Divine Being were observing life on this planet. He (or She) is saddened by so many people wasting their lives away in cubicles and high-tower offices instead of enjoying Nature and the richness of cultures all over the planet. So this Supreme Being, in its great Wisdom, decides to help mankind. However, It cannot intervene directly in human affairs. It can only guide what exists already. So one day, it detects a certain interesting project funded by the U.S. Defense Department: a covert and highly secure communications network designed to offer communication capabilities within the U.S. in the case of attack by a foreign power. Our Supreme Being shakes its head and sighs: "Will they ever learn? Then, suddenly, the Supreme Being has a great insight! How about turning this military communications network into a powerful tool that could enrich mankind while fostering an environment where friendships across oceans and continents could flourish? To be continued..