Sunday, February 03, 2008

Learn to become a millionaire!

If becoming financially free is your goal, I highly recommend that you go to, download the invitation in PDF format, and join the Millionaire Consulting Network for FREE before February 14, 2008. After the deadline, membership will cost $500.

Here's how my teachings on financial freedom are DIFFERENT from the work of other authors: consultants who help people find their true careers, still do not teach people about business, so even if they find a fulfilling career, they are stuck working for somebody else. This does NOT lead to financial freedom.

Other authors ignore people's natural talents and passion and values, and suggest an impersonal method of building wealth. My view is that even if people did succeed in becoming rich, they would still miss the point of life, which is about personal growth based on one's special talent and unique passion.

Through MCN, I will teach people about how to become a PASSIONATE MILLIONAIRE! In other words, I will teach people how to follow their bliss so that money will follow them!

I expect hundreds of thousands of people to join MCN for the simple reason that the value of the instructional materials being shared is worth THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS and took me over 7 years to develop! Best of all, membership is free of charge! (Yes, that's free as in "$0.00").

But it's free ONLY before February 14, 2008. After that, it costs $500.

So please join ASAP and let all your friends and acquaintances know about it!

To your success, wealth and happiness,
