Sunday, February 03, 2008

Work doesn't work!

I quit Corporate America in June 2000 at age 31.

I've been in semi-retirement since then, and am on my way to COMPLETE retirement in 2008. How do I know that for sure?

Here's an excerpt from Lester Thurow's book Building Wealth:

"The old foundations of success are gone. For all of human history, the source of success has been the control of natural resources -- land, gold, oil. Suddenly the answer is "knowledge." The world's wealthiest man, Bill Gates, owns nothing tangible -- no land, no gold or oil, no factories, no industrial processes, no armies. For the first time in human history the world's wealthiest man owns only knowledge.

Knowledge is the new basis for wealth. This has never before been true. In the past when capitalists talked about their wealth they were talking about their ownership of plant and equipment and natural resources. In the future when capitalists talk about their wealth they will be talking about their control of knowledge. Even the language of wealth generation changes. One can talk about "owning" capital equipment or natural resources. The concept of "owning" is clear. But one cannot talk in the same ways about "owning" knowledge. Owning knowledge is a slippery concept. The human beings who possess knowledge cannot be made into slaves. Exactly how one controls (owns?) knowledge is in fact a central issue in a knowledge-based economy."

My conclusion, after reading the above, is that "work doesn't work anymore."

In the old industrial era, where employers owned the means of production (land, equipment, capital, etc.), it made sense for a person to "submit" to a boss (which comes from the Dutch word "baas", meaning "master"). In other words, it made sense for a person to become an employee who obeyed orders without questioning them. An employee, in that sense, is like a storm trooper in George Lucas' Star Wars trilogy.

Of course, some people are more disciplined and focused than others, and so they become highly skilled and resourceful mercenaries or free agents. They are like Jango Fett or Boba Fett, the father and son in Star Wars. They work on contract. They get paid very well.

However, as Thurow has written above, we are witnessing today the rise of a new form of decisive power called "knowledge." People who have this sort of sacred knowledge are like the Jedi knights and masters who not only master "outer" technologies like computers, Internet, etc. but also master "inner" technologies (the kind that the movie The Secret talks about, although it merely addresses the most superficial aspects of the Law of Attraction).

In other words, the economy is less and less a "machine" and is fast becoming a "mind." Wow, that was a big insight! Believe it or not, it just occurred to me!

A "mind" economy means that value and wealth are created by thinking and feeling, not doing.

The great news is that in a "mind" economy, you can easily communicate your thoughts and feelings through the Internet. There is no need to show up in person at the office to "do" something.

(This is why India is fast becoming a major world economy: Indian people use the Internet to deliver computing services as well as professional services. They are building their wealth base while most people in North America, sadly, are just wasting time and money on the Internet as unthinking consumers, not creative producers.)

Also, in a "mind" economy, you can create UNLIMITED WEALTH.

This fact is basically why I believe I'm on my way to great wealth (and you're invited to join me at the Millionaire Consulting Network at I'm giving you $500 worth of value but join before Feb. 14, 2008 please.

I realized in June 2000 (almost 8 years ago!) that "work doesn't work."

But it took me 7 years to figure out a way to achieve wealth WITHOUT having to physically work. I call it the "wealth without work" doctrine! Of course, some of you astute readers have immediately recognized the acronym "WWW," which indeed links the doctrine to the Internet. I will write more later about this secret connection.

Through MCN, I hope to share my incredibly valuable teachings with all serious seekers of financial enlightenment.

I created MCN because I feel the knowledge I have can liberate and empower people creatively, economically and financially. I would feel like a criminal if I decided to hide this knowledge from people, especially when the Internet allows me to communicate with millions of human beings on the planet.

Another factor that drives me to create valuable content for MCN is that I believe human beings are born to be free, seek joy and realize growth. "Work" that doesn't fulfill one's heart or soul MUST be abandoned.

It is indeed time for mankind to evolve to a new plane of existence, where we become artists who joyfully engage in the blissful act of creation every day.

My conclusion as a relentless intellectual who has diligently studied over 800 books in the last decade, is that human beings are not born to "work" but to "create." And in creating beautiful and useful things, objects and spaces in the world, they will get re-acquainted with who they truly are -- royal and sovereign spirits on a magnificent journey on planet Earth.