Saturday, October 06, 2007

My Amazing Career

In a previous post, I wrote about the importance of showing yourself to the world. That is, to bluntly share your performance stats and track record (good or bad) with the world.

In an effort to practice what I preach, I wrote out my biographical record in chronological order HERE, where I share some of my achievements but also my failures, such as in 1995 when I tried to launch a graphic design firm. I look back now and I'm laughing, but let me tell you, at the time we (two partners and I) flopped in business, I really felt like crying.

It's always a good idea to pause and contemplate the key influential events in one's life. It's the only way to get to know oneself better, in order ti size up one's strengths and one's weaknesses.

Being aware of your strengths will help you to capitalize on them relentlessly in order to go get further ahead, while being aware of your weaknesses will help you avoid getting into situations where your weaknesses will have a negative impact.