Sunday, September 23, 2007

Access is power

Penelope Trunk, a columnist at the Boston Globe and Yahoo Finance, asked a pertinent question for career women. I provided an answer below. (Note: even if you're a male reader, you might appreciate the systematic process I use to break down the problem).

Is there still an old boys’ network?

If so, what strategies would you recommend to succeed in spite of it?


Access is power, therefore a systematic strategy is needed.

If you're a man, no problem (relatively speaking).
If you're a woman, you might have a problem.

If your industry or profession doesn't have a history / tradition of concentrating power in a few exclusive male clubs or networks, then you do not have a problem.

If your industry or profession has such a history / tradition, then you have a problem.

If you're willing to leave such an industry or profession, you no longer have a problem.

If you're not willing to leave such an industry or profession, then you have a problem.

If you're willing to study power and increase your political savvy, you will lessen your problem, since men are political animals: they instinctively obey power. The good news for women is that power today is more based on finance and knowledge (including access to high-level, sensitive information) than brute force.

If you're not willing to learn about power and politics (The Art of Worldly Wisdom by Baltasar Gracian, The Prince by Machiavelli and the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene are great places to start), then you have a big problem.

Good luck!