Saturday, August 25, 2007

Trust and rely on what people are ALREADY doing and enjoying

There's one thing I learned from being in business all these years, and that's to trust and rely on what people are ALREADY doing, NOT on what I want them to do or on the new behavior I would like them to adopt.

In marketing, it's called "trend capitalization" in that you try to see the major changes occuring in society, culture, technology, etc. and then try to capitalize on those systemic changes.

In other words, when it comes to capturing markets, it is better to "ride the horse in the direction it's already going." It's much easier to make money that way, and it's less inconvenient for customers since they don't have to change their habits or behavior.

Royal Bank of Canada, for instance, has over 100 banking specialists and investment advisors who actually go to people's homes to explain and offer their services. Don't have time to go to the bank? No problem, we'll come to you!

Another example is Linkedin and Yahoo! Answers. There are tons and tons of people who ask questions on those sites. Thousands of people!

They become leads (potential clients) for me, and I offer them various products and services. Indeed, why try to influence people who are NOT looking for answers and solutions? Why not go to online discussion forums where people ARE seeking answers and solutions, and then make them an offer?