Sunday, July 15, 2007

What is your Value Creation Cycle?

Examining carefully your Value Creation Cycle will give you an idea of how productive you are. By extension, it will also give you an idea of how rich you can become.

But what is a VCC?

It's made up of three important quantities: How much value do you create? How soon does the client benefit from it? How sure is the process by which you create and deliver (or help the client extract) such value?

In short: How much? How soon? How sure?

As you might have guessed, rich people have MASTERED -- and I mean, TOTALLY MASTERED! -- the art of preemptively, programmatically controlling those three important indicators of wealth creation.

That is, they know that to get rich, a person has to create MAXIMUM VALUE, in the SHORTEST AMOUNT OF TIME, and with the GREATEST (STATISTICAL) RELIABILITY.

Think for instance about how Yahoo!, eBay, Amazon, Hotmail, Microsoft, SAP, Dell, Youtube, Google, etc. became multibillion-dollar corporation. Specifically, think about how much value they produce; how soon they deliver the value to their clients; and how sure or reliable is the process used to create and deliver customer value.

I'll stop here because I think that the above contains a great number of wealth secrets, but you will only understand them fully if you think about these three powerful indicators of wealth: how much, how soon and how sure.