Thursday, June 21, 2007

JAXTR for selling and making $$$

The Greeks have known for a long time that persuasion depends on ethos (who you are; your credibility), logos (how logical your message is) and pathos (how much empathy you show; your emotional connection to the audience or person).

JAXTR, by masking the identity of the caller and the recipient, basically eliminates Ethos and Pathos. Only Logos remains. That is, the quality of your knowledge or information will determine whether you will be able to sell (whatever it is that you are selling) via JAXTR.

In other words, it doesn't matter who you are and it doesn't matter who you are calling. What matters is the knowledge being transferred from one anonymous human being to another anonymous human being.

If the knowledge being transferred from Person A to Person B is good, then Person B might accept to transfer cash (via PayPal, etc.) to Person A.

Alternatively, Person B might decide to "pay" by sharing her valuable knowledge.

JAXTR, therefore, becomes a global tool for mutual empowerment through knowledge-sharing.

Let's get a bit more technical.

If A (a man) convinces B (a woman), after 20 minutes of conversation, that he has valuable knowledge and expertise she could benefit from, she might then decide to reveal more details about herself, so that he can customize his knowledge to HER situation.

As he does so, the value of his knowledge will rapidly increase because it is now customized to fit her particular problems, challenges, priorities, etc.

The same thing could happen between a professional and a potential employer. For obvious reasons, they might not want to reveal their identity until they become reasonably confident that they could strike a good win-win employment deal together.