Use the Internet, don't let it use you

Above is a screenshot showing my connections on Linkedin. If you're interested in creating wealth and becoming wealthy, I highly recommend Linkedin as a way to start conversations with people and networking.
I can't reveal my top secret plans, but you can see from the way
I've been building connections
that I plan to launch several cyber-businesses by leveraing the trust and relationships built with my
online associates.
In Silicon Valley, there's a saying: "Never bet against the Internet!"
Even the richest man in the world, Bill Gates, changed his mind about the Internet on December 7, 1995. Before that date, he was saying that the Internet won't change things so much. On that December day, he woke up and changed his mind, and refocused all of Microsoft on the Internet. The following years were some of the most profitable for Microsoft.
Professionals have to make a similar turnaround switch in the way they think. They have to integrate the Internet into how they work and how they manage their careeers.
Linkedin is a great way to start. I even created a blog dedicated to showing people how to use Linkedin:
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