Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The value of conversation

Start a conversation and two worlds will begin to merge.

It's quite inevitable: every time two strangers start to talk to one another, they realize they can gain something from the other person.

This happens inevitably because we are all different. We all have strengths and weaknesses, resources and shortcomings, opportunities to capitalize and threats to neutralize.

Therefore, you can never go wrong when you reach out and shake somebody's hand. Either you will be in a position to help the other person, or the other person will be in a position to help you. Whoever gets the favor first, will naturally feel the urge to reciprocate at a later time in the future.

This is exactly how smart business people operate. They give and give and give. In doing so, they make a LOT of friends who can, when the time comes, help them in return.

Smart business people and savvy careerists know that every conversation is a bridge that brings two worlds together, and on what very bridge, a lot of information, emotions, goodwill, insights, resources, connections, etc. will pass.

This is how one human being can enter the life of another human being and enrich his/her life.

This is how we can achieve world trade and world peace, one conversation at a time.