Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ink & Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill's advice ("think and grow rich") is good, but might not be enough in today's overmediatized world.

In other words, you can use your mind and your imagination to develop great new products or new ways of creating wealth, yet if you don't promote yourself, you'll be "all dressed but with nowhere to go."

Solution: Ink & Grow Rich.

To think is not enough. One must PUT DOWN ON PAPER or IN A COMPUTER FILE what one is thinking, was thinking, and will be thinking.

That is:

Think, Ink, then Grow Rich.

I mean "ink" in the figurative sense, and it includes of course "electronic ink" which enables you to read this sentence I just wrote.

My point is that you can be the smartest person in the world, you still won't become rich UNLESS a lot of people (preferrably with a lot of money) KNOW that you are smart, and are willing to hire you.

In today's knowledge-is-wealth society, I would say this: "He made no greater mistake than he who wrote nothing (on a blog) because he could only write a little."

Most people don't start a blog, because they don't think they can write well, or they will have enough ideas or topics to write about.

Yet, everything in life starts by being extremely small.

You yourself, dear reader, started off as a mere micro-fusion of two entities colliding in the womb of your mother.

This blog, too, started with nothing -- only an idea I had of sharing my knowledge with the world. I look at the stats now and realize I've written 306 postings.

Here's the secret nobody told you yet about blogging: once you start writing, the writing takes over and drives you to write more!

At the beginning, I had to make a lot of effort to write. Now, I write as easily as some people light up a cigarette. It has become an irrepressible habit.

Of course, not every posting is of the quality I want it to be. But that's the whole point: I can now SEE what I'm thinking, and am therefore in a great position to evaluate myself and IMPROVE myself -- one posting at a time.

People who don't write out their thoughts, will NEVER know what they're thinking and will never be in a position to improve the way they think. As a result, they always think the same ideas over and over. Many of the people I know have had the same ideas for the last five or ten years. They have not evolved at all.

You talk to them and it might as well be the year 2001. They haven't changed their ideas, their mind is exactly the same as it was five years ago. This is scary.

Because people don't write out their thoughts, they keep thinking the same things, and never have news ideas so they can create more value -- resulting in more income for them.

Because they have no new ideas and do not create new value, they are forced to rely exclusively on the financial system to make their money grow.

They are playing the financial game, but they are not playing the economic game, where the payoffs are much bigger.

More to come.