Monday, July 10, 2006

Millionaire Reality Cycle

The rich become richer and the poor become poorer, chiefly because they are "trapped" in different reality cycles (as described in the previous posting).

The poor work hard, so they need to feel good after work. They go out and spend money. Often, they use credit, which gets them deeper into debt, which then forces them to keep working harder and harder (employers can smell desperation; the less confident you are about your value in the job market, the more workload a boss will impose on you). Since they work harder and harder, they spend even more, in order to "feel good" and recuperate from the exploitative regime at work.

The rich don't work hard. They think hard. Let me repeat this:

The rich don't work hard, they THINK hard.

Think hard about what?

About how to make someone happy. The rich understand that INCOME depends on OUTCOME, and so they do everything in their power to make sure that whatever outcome they produce is always valuable to someone (hopefully a person with a lot of money).

Then, they repeat this process of making someone happy.

The purpose of business is to create a customer. The purpose of management is to repeat this process as flawlessly as possible.

The poor, unfortunately, have never understood that INCOME depends on OUTCOME. They think that INCOME depends on doing what the boss says should be done.

Here's what a millionaire reality cycle looks like:
  1. ignores family or friends who don't have business training or don't think like capitalists (still loves them, though)
  2. has close friends who are also capitalists, not employees
  3. doesn't have a boss
  4. reads business magazine while entering key ideas into an Excel spreadsheet to evaluate the implementation ease and feasibility of each idea
  5. reads strategic or classic non-fiction books, like the Art of War, any book by Peter Drucker, Gary Hamel, etc.
  6. doesn't read fiction books
  7. writes letters to other CEOs
  8. does favors for high-level executives
  9. refines his or her mind mapping skills every day
  10. maintains a blog to keep his or her associates, spread throughout the world, thoroughly informed