Thursday, June 29, 2006

EVI - Economically Valuable Information

MVI, or militarily valuable information, is also called "intelligence." As in Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

You can real all the juicy details about it in The Intelligence Edge, by George Friedman.

EVI, for economically valuable information, is more likely to be of interest to you.

EVI is any information that allows you to create value of higher quality, or in greater quantity. EVI sources and methods, therefore, are the sort of "holy grail" of the Information Age.

EVI is really what the elite is always looking for. EVI can come in many formats:

- secret
- confidential
- oral
- paper
- electronic

As you go down the list, the value of the information decreases. Books (paper format) for instance are usually more valuable than websites (electronic).

Secrets, of course, are only shared between people who share a common genetic pool (family, for instance) or who are officially or unofficially business partners (that is, their economic interests are mutually dependent).