Sunday, February 26, 2006

The media is the wealth

McLuhan was right that the media is the message. But more importantly today, the media is the wealth.

Especially for knowledge workers.

The media is the wealth because through Web-based technologies like blog publishing and RSS feeds, a knowledge worker can distribute his expertise and intellectual capital to a virtually limitless market worldwide.

(A few years ago, I even coined a word -- EXPORTISE -- to capture the idea that someone's expertise could be in a format (digital file, CD ROM, DVD, audiotape, paper, mind map, etc.) that is easy to export.)

The key, of course, is to master literary techniques and devices so that you not only share your expertise with people (potential clients!), but also entertain them at the same time.

"Fun" is key to effective knowledge-sharing because, quite simply, nobody says no to fun!

If writing is not your thing, you could also maintain a video blog or an audio blog, so that you can share your knowledge via voice or video (check HERE for seeing the trends.)

Although the Internet could make you immensely rich or popular (preferrably both!), the main challenge is to package your knowledge so that it's useful (easy to use) for your readers.

The ultimate test as to whether your blog or video/audio blog has useful information is quite simple: count the number of people who subscribe to your blog.

Trust me, this is a necessary test to get rid of the widespread illusion among bloggers that what they are writing is useful or interesting. If nobody subscribes to your blog, you could probably spend your time doing more productive things.

The key to success in blogging, and in making money by sharing your "exportise", is to constantly ask people if the information you're sharing is USEFUL to them. Sure, it takes a lot of courage to face the truth, but once the truth becomes your ally and your guide, there is nothing on Earth that can stop you from realizing your dream.

The important thing to remember is that "the media is the wealth." By mastering ways to capture your knowledge in a media format easily distributed around the world, you will master the best way to create wealth.