Sunday, February 05, 2006

Teach a man how to fish? No way!

Quotation from Harvard Business Review: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you just lost an employee."

Most people work for someone else, simply because they don't know "how to fish."

That is, they don't know "business", which is all about creating value and delivering value.

(Peter Drucker himself wrote that business is ONLY about innovation and marketing).

Here's the thing: in a corporate setting, you are NOT encouraged to create anything. In fact, people psychologically are not motivated to create anything because they would not get a bigger salary! There is NO incentive for doing things better, or creating new services or products. In fact, you could lose your job if you try to change things! Managers like the status quo, they like predictability, they like to be in control. (Until the day when their organization, like the Titanic, hits some kind of iceberg).

The more enlightened companies encourage employees to be "entrepreneurs" but they don't say anything about how they reward "entrepreneurial thinking and behavior."

The only solution for corporate employees is to start a part-time business and learn from a successful entrepreneur on how he did it.