Thursday, January 12, 2006

People = Power

The adage used to be "information is power" when good information was scarce. Now that information is abundant, it seems that information is no longer power.

Maybe a better source of power is people. This is why we often hear the saying "it's WHO you know." Who you know, can open doors for you. (Of course, it does happen that sometimes, someone opens the door for you, but you don't have the courage to walk in and seize the opportunity!)

So we agree that people in the right places have more power than any information you can find on Google. Indeed, only people can make decisions or influence decisions that affect you.

So what is the single most important decision that affects you, and might even affect your family?

Well, it's a decision that affects your yearly income and even what you will be doing for a certain period of time, during the better part of every day and five days a week. Yup, it's the hiring decision.

In the old non-networked economy, there was usually one single person who made that decision: the HR director.

Today, it seems that many people are getting involved in shaping, influencing or facilitating that decision.

For example, with websites like and (and I found these without even doing any extensive research), it seems that you will have to try to seduce not only the HR director, but a certain number of people who have a say in the hiring process.

Peter Drucker has written a while ago about the Network Society. Well, it's finally arrived! People will begin to realize that networking is fast becoming a critical skill for career advancement (or even career survival if you're desperately looking for a job pronto!).

Bottom line: If you're not in the loop, you're missing the scoop! The scoop might be that a company you like is considering the creation of a new job which, somehow, perfectly fits your skills, experience and career aspirations. If you are not connected (via LinkedIn, for example), then you might never learn about that incredible opportunity.

Even people going into business for themselves, rapidly realize that "every cashflow starts with a conversation." And usually, you begin the conversation with a stranger.

But strangers don't have to be "strange", and you don't have to feel strange if you speak to strangers. (Unless you're a kid, in which case I recommend NEVER to speak to strangers -- unless they wear a police badge and carry a big gun!).

In fact, all my friends were once strangers. If I hadn't spoken to them (or, in a few cases, tried unsuccessfully to flirt with them), we would never have become friends!

Conclusion: In today's society and economy, people is power!