Sunday, December 25, 2005

3 secrets of networking

SUMMARY - Effective networking depends on the mastery of three primordial elements: ethos, logos and pathos (i.e. credibility, logical reasoning/message, and empathy for others).

DETAILS - It is a rare person who can master all three things. He/she would have to be highly credible (lots of unassailable credentials), be a good speaker or writer, and be able to connect emotionally and/or intellectually with a wide variety of people.

For example, by browsing on Linkedin and reading people's profiles, you can see right away who is better at which of the three, and who could improve the other two elements to become a better networker.

Some people could, for instance, write a more logical profile, with a career or business goal at the top.

Others could rewrite their profile to highlight what they are REALLY good at (credibility), instead of listing generic terms like "leadership" or "interpersonal skills" or some other sounds-good-but-nothing-specific-here kind of prose.