Saturday, December 24, 2005

The secret about management

SUMMARY: Management can be summarized by the acronym G.O.M.E.N. (as in Go, Men!). It's all about: Goal setting, Organizing (people and resources), Motivating, Evaluating & Nurturing your people.

DETAILS: I created the acronym above from reading the late Peter Drucker, who wrote about 30 excellent books.

Drucker said that management is a vital function because it turns mob into an organization, and turns human effort into performance.

Although many people make fun of managers (Dilbert, etc.), I think management is essential, although not all managers understand what management is truly about.

One phrase I like from Drucker is: "To manage means to give people work that they can do."

He also said: "Never make plans that ordinary human beings cannot carry out."