Friday, December 23, 2005

How you FEEL about what you KNOW

Jim Rohn said something powerful: "It's not what you know, but how you FEEL about what you know."

What does he mean?

If you feel strongly about what you know,

1. you will then think about it often, thereby increasing your fluency with that particular knowledge

2. you will share your valuable knowledge with others, and this will help you network more easily

3. you will be more motivated to seek NEW knowledge, since your current knowledge amazes you and increases your passion for learning

Here's a real-life example that can perhaps illustrate what he meant: I have a business degree from McGill University (hailed by Newsweek magazine as the "Harvard of Canada"!). :-)

Yet, what I find most valuable is not the knowledge I gained through the courses I took from 1996-1999.

What I find most valuable is the CONVICTION I now have that business knowledge and know-how are critical to business success. Indeed, I can share with you the little knowledge I gained from my BCom courses, but you are better off reading business textbooks.

What I can share which you might not find in books, is the CONVICTION that business is war, and that without proper business knowledge and knowhow, you are sure to become a "casualty of war."