Monday, April 02, 2007

Why did I become a business owner?

Lionel Spearman asked, on Linkedin Answers, the following question. I thought I'd share my answer with you here.

Why did you become a business owner?

Am curious as to what inspired those of you who own businesses to strike out on your own. In my case it was the freedom and something in me knew I could do as well on my own as in corporate America without the politics.

Business owners are a rare breed and compose a super minority of society post industrial revolution. In other circles we would be called crazy. We do not think like other people and people with jobs really have a challenge understanding how we think and why in the world we would leave a perfectly good high paying job in some cases.


Why did I become a business owner? Because it's the logical thing to do under capitalism, an economic system designed to make people rich.

I realized this in 2000, when the revenues I was bringing to my employer was steadily growing at a geometric rate while my salary was... flat. That's when I realized the Berlin Wall might have fallen in 1989, yet there was another invisible Berlin Wall in corporate America, where capable people were not paid according to the value (actual $$$) they created.

In other words, I "discovered" the operating principle of capitalism 7 years ago. It's actually a secret Einstein revealed upon receiving his Nobel Prize. It's sad that most people will never truly understand capitalism, and therefore will be forced to work for someone else and build the fortune of other people instead of "minding their own business."