I want you to be happy

Why is it important to find one's talent? Because you can then stop WORKING (and making small money) and start HAVING FUN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WHILE MAKING ABOUT TEN TIMES WHAT YOU ARE CURRENTLY MAKING! :-)
Indeed, success is worthwhile ONLY if it is based on Self -- on who you truly are.
And one hugely important aspect of who you truly are, is the special talent within you.
Wayne Dyer, one of my spiritual teachers, wrote: "Don't die with your music still inside of you."
I would say something similar: "Don't die without expressing your talent."
Just take a look at your family and friends. You can easily identify who is living according to their talent, and who is not. People who haven't discovered their talent, are just wasting time in front of TV, the shopping mall, mindless video games, gossip, etc.
If you are a parent, you need the above mind map even more, so that you can help your kids discover and develop their special talent early.
My friends, trust me when I tell you that your life will radically change once you discover your talent and spend time in a highly focused manner developing that special talent of yours.
Yes, it takes courage, yes, it takes conviction and it will require discipline and determination, but it's all part of living an amazing journey so that at the end, you have absolutely NO REGRETS.
And the best part is, as you courageously decide to engage in the path that leads to your very BEST SELF, you will inspire everyone around you -- loved ones like family and friends -- to do the same!
The world we live in today needs more heroes, and I believe you are one! :-)
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