Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Secret!

Thanks Sandra for the tip regarding The Secret! I invite subscribers to view the video HERE.

It's a dramatized documentary whose main message is, "We become what we think about."

(This same message has been written about in a little book titled As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen, written over 100 years ago.)

I like the dramatic approach of The Secret because I've always felt that valuable knowledge is often ignored by people, because it sounds and looks so boring! I mean, who would pick up a copy of The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, or any book by Ralph Waldo Emerson?

However, there is the danger, in watching this movie, to fall into the trap of believing that wishing something to be true, will make it true. If that were the case, life would be just too wonderful to be bearable! :-)

For example, there's a scene where a man rubs a magic lamp and a tall, handsome genie with finely sculpted muscles appears. "Your wish is my command," says the genie.

My wish would probably be: "Hey, I want a fabulous body like yours!" (The unspoken expectation, of course, is that I want that body WITHOUT having to go to the gym!).

For people like us who live on planet Earth, we all know that wishing is not enough. Hard work is required. And yet, hard work CAN produce miraculous results!

I mean, think of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Here's a man who spent YEARS just lifting heavy objects. The worse part is, he never MOVED those objects to a better location! He just lifted them, then put them back down on the floor, at the EXACT same spot! Yet, he became Mister Universe, and recently, governor of California!!

I'm being facetious, of course, but my point is that hard work can become a habit that we can actually enjoy. Then, over time, the compound effects of hard work are shown as seemingly phenomenal results and feats. This is a success secret I've always used, which came from a quote by Seneca: "Little by little, does the trick."

(Of course, if the producers of The Secret had interviewed me, I would have put it in more dramatic terms: "Folks! Little by little, creates karma magic!")

To conclude, I believe positive thinking (especially in the form of clear, detailed and compelling visualization) is absolutely necessary, but also absolutely NOT sufficient.

Without positive (and sustained) action, positive thinking will yield no result.

People who want the BEST results, usually recruit a coach to help them. The coach is like a mirror: he/she shows you your results immediately, and there is no illusion or denial as to how well you are doing (or how bad!). You can then take corrective action to improve, right there, on the spot.

If you can't afford a personal coach, you could become your own self-coach, but for that, you need something which I call "the D.O.S.E.," for Daily Objective Self-Evaluation.

More on that later.