Monday, August 14, 2006

Spiritual power

Does wisdom (that is, spiritual power) come from knowledge (contained in books) or experience (contained in one's biographical path)?

Neither. Power comes from personally tested and rationally verified knowledge.

You can see right away why TV news or any kind of mass medium cannot increase a person's power: you can never personally test nor rationally verify what they are saying. You have no choice but to take it on faith alone.

TV is a modern god.

So what happens when a person reads too much (he/she believes in knowledge) or when he/she experiences too much (believes in action)?

If you read too much, you develop the fear of action. Yet life rewards action, not knowledge.

If you act too much, you develop disrespect for knowledge. Most people, if asked, would value action over "theory." Yet they don't realize theory is the source of everything. Einstein's theory for instance is responsible for the creation of so many technologies and applications we use today.

In short, a knowledge-oriented person might become riskless, while an action-oriented person might become reckless.

The person who is riskless is already dead. He/she has stopped taking chances in life, and no longer feels passion nor adrenaline rushing through his/her veins.

The person who is reckless, fails to learn from every experience due to a lack of reflection on the outcomes. He/she keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over, with karmic predictability.

Spiritual power flows to the one person who acquires vital knowledge, then applies it consistently in real life in order to fully integrate the knowledge into his thinking, knowing and being.