Sunday, July 30, 2006

Knowledge / action mastery


It's just human nature: people will make the least effort possible, at the very last minute possible, when they really have no choice but to make that effort.

In other words, "perpetual reaction to urgency" rules the day.

We decide and act reactively to what is urgent, and we don't decide and act proactively to what is important.

I know this is nothing new, Stephen Covey has written about it in 1985 in his best-seller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

However, what is different today, 20 years later, is that it is no longer enough to do what is important.

You have to do what WILL become increasingly important. And that is knowledge/action mastery.

Whatever you know or do, you must know it or do it like a master. That is the only way to survive in today's global economy, where anyone from any country can (and often does) compete with you directly.

Note: this is why I recently decided to develop what I call a proprietary Starmaker Technology. The purpose of this technology is to deeply assist people in identifying their talent, and developing it to star status.