Sunday, June 11, 2006

Work once. Sell forever.

Work once.

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Above is Bill Gates' secret. He found a way to work ONCE, but sell forever after. Microsoft's 800 programmers worked ONCE by creating the first copy of Windows 95. After that, these programmers no longer had to work. It was just a question of burning millions of CDs containing the Windows 95 software.

What if you could put on a single CD all your knowledge, and sell it to the world via the Internet? How much would you sell that CD for? Even at $5, you could become rich.

What about using Payloadz? It's good to make a little money, but it's not powerful enough since you end up selling one file at a time. I think it is better to just dump all your knowledge into a 700-Mb CD and ship it to whoever wants it. You can charge between $5 to $20.

The truth is that in the fast-approaching future, people won't make money by DOING stuff, but by KNOWING stuff and continuously selling their knowledge.

China and India and other rising nations will take care of the DOING. Forward-thinking professionals in the West should stop doing, and start THINKING and CREATING.

Working no longer "works."

Working = spending your valuable, precious life in exchange for a piece of colored paper.

It is never a good deal. Even Abraham Lincoln said in 1859 that a person should work hard in order to accumulate capital, and then launch his own enterprise and hire labour.

My nieces and nephews have great parents. If they ever ask me for advice, I would tell them: work for someone just long enough to learn all the business principles you need to learn, then QUIT.

Some people, unfortunately, get too comfortable and stay stuck at a corporate job too long. They become addicted to the slave morality that Nietszche wrote about. As they grow older, they no longer have any energy or any imagination to quit and start a venture of their own.

In the end, your wealth in the new economy will be more defined by what you know than what you do. The master explanation is simple: if you have valuable knowledge, you can package it into a great variety of media and format (,,,,, etc.) and get paid in various ways (,, etc.) after people download it from the Web.

But if you are paid for what you DO, then you will always have to show up 9 to 5 every day, and you won't likely achieve financial independence. Your livelihood will always depend on a capitalist who controls your time five days a week. You will be in a position of "social submission" and won't be able to liberate yourself to do all the great things you want to do in your life.