Tuesday, June 13, 2006

No Will, No Way

Capitalism is the sum of all fears.

In other words, a small group of capitalists keep the masses in a perpetual state of fear, so that everybody shows up at the office every day, doing what the business requires. The business, of course, is designed to make the rich richer and as to the poor, well, they'll just have to cope and do what they can to survive until retirement time.

I'm not saying that being an employee is bad, because it is indeed the responsible thing to do. But a career that has no exit strategy cannot have a good ending.

A person who puts in the hours every day, without having a clear strategy for exiting the game and becoming an independent professional, simply doesn't understand the game of capitalism.

The proof that being a business owner is better than being an employee, is that rich and wealthy parents send their kids to prestigious business schools. These kids don't become employees working for someone else.

Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr, for instance, graduated from the prestigiouis Wharton School of Business. I doubt they will ever work for another mortal.

The reason why most people remain in a state of economic slavery (i.e. being an employee) is not because of a lack of knowledge (business knowledge, for instance), but because of the perpetual presence of fear.

Fear is broadcast on every TV and radio broadcasting station in the country (in the U.S. and in Canada).

Not surprisingly, as has happened in my case, avoiding the society of the hopelessly brainwashed has been salutary to me. I have gained such strength and such fearlessness from meditating in absolute solitude. I recommend it to anyone who wants to feel their own personal power.

The center of power is illustrated by the W in "POWER," which stands for Will.

If you have the Will, there will be a Way.

No Will, no Way.