Friday, June 23, 2006

Make money with your knowledge

Answers Google is better than Yahoo! Answers as a business model, because smart people can actually make money from it (and, perhaps, use the money to contribute to a charitable cause).

Charging for knowledge makes sense, not only because it is an incentive for answerers to provide high-quality answers, but also because askers will take the answers seriously and will more likely USE the answer in their own life. We often don't take seriously what we get for free.

But above all, Answers Google signals to the whole wide world that from now on, knowledge is not only power. It is money.

Like I wrote weeks ago, "knowledge is the new money." People who learn how to package their knowledge and sell it on the Internet will become rich. More importantly, they will become richer and richer while working less and less.

Indeed, that is the true economic power of knowledge: once you package it in the form of a digital file (e-book, video, audio, etc.), anybody -- absolutely anybody -- can download it off the Internet and then pay you for it (via, say, Payloadz).

More and more, we will see that in the new knowledge-centric economy, people will get paid for what they KNOW, not for what they DO.

As long as you get paid for what you DO, you will remain an economic slave who has to show up for work every day. But if you get paid for what you KNOW, then you can be anywhere on the planet -- just as long as clients can reach you by phone, and just as long as they can easily download your knowledge from the Web anytime, anywhere.

Life in the knowledge-centric economy can be beautiful, but only if you truly understand the power of knowledge and its value to people.