Sunday, June 18, 2006

255. Stop shopping, start shipping

Friedman talks about "uploading" in the second version of his best-seller, The World is Flat. He says that anyone can create content, upload it on the Web and possibly make money that way.

I totally agree. Payloadz is just one free service enabling people to create (digital) value and sell it online.

However, I don't think you can make a lot of money selling knowledge as a standalone product. That's because knowledge has value only when it is appropriately applied in a particular situation to solve a problem.

In other words, the Internet allows people to sell (hopefully cheaply) their knowledge, but ALSO to connect with buyers of such knowledge in order to help them apply the knowledge properly in THEIR situation. This knowledge application part -- the service part -- is where money will be made.

So basically, a knowledgeable person makes money in two ways:
  1. By selling a knowledge product (which can be uploaded to a blog so that anyone in the world can download it)
  2. By selling a knowledge service (by enabling the buyers of the knowledge product to contact the knowledge seller in order to receive consulting or coaching services)
# 1 must happen before #2 can be possible.

Which is why I think that smart and ambitious people will realize that at one point, they will have to "stop shopping and start shipping."

That is, they will package everything they know into a CD or binder, etc. and ship it to potential customers. (Uploading it to the Web is also a good idea).

After that, it is just a matter of keeping in touch with the knowledge buyers in order to help them apply the knowledge so they can improve their lives.