Saturday, May 20, 2006

185. Secrets behind capitalism

Since 1989, after the fall of the Berlin wall, capitalism has been the only remaining economic system in the world.

Yet, most people would not know how to properly define "capitalism."

If it's the only game in town and it's the only way to get rich, wouldn't it be useful to be able to define it, understand it and play by its rules?

In the next few postings, I'll elaborate more on what capitalism actually means. Hopefully, this can clarify for people how they can better strategize to win under the capitalist regime.

For the sake of research, I also set up a survey at, so that respondents can try to test themselves. All respondents will receive a personal email from me that will, hopefully, help them to better understand capitalism.

The bottom line is that now more than ever, EVERYBODY needs to clearly understand what capitalism is all about.

More and more people every day are realizing that being an employee is a loser proposition. I don't say "loser" to offend anyone, but just to accurately reflect the fact that you cannot possibly win as long as you remain an employee.

To be a real winner, a person must know how to "score economically." He / she must know clearly how his/her actions will impact the company's bottom line. If not, then one will always be at the mercy of the chief financial officer who can decide, any time, to slash a position.

Countless employees from Ericsson, Bell Canada, Bombardier, etc. have seen their jobs being suddenly eliminated.

It's not that these companies are bad or that the laid off employees did not contribute to the company's success. It's just that their contribution were no longer seen as critical or advantageous enough to justify their being on the payroll.

Once again, by knowing more about capitalism and business, ANY employee can dramatically improve his strategic position within the company and proactively manage his/her career better.

There are many secrets behind capitalism, and all these secrets, of course, are kept secret by capitalists. ("The secret of power is to keep power secret.")

One secret, for example, is that "capitalism is the cult of capital."

Another secret is that "money IS NOT capital." This confusion is often found in the general population, as most people mistakenly believe that money is capital.

Capital is "concentrated productive capacity." It is what allows you to create wealth.

Stay tuned. More to come.