Amazing secret for wealth, health and peace
Boy, oh boy, oh boy!!
Friends, I can hardly contain my excitement as I just stepped out of Indigo Bookstore and quickly read Joe Vitale's latest book, Zero Limits.
There's a chapter in there (on the Shocking Truth About Intentions) that contains a MAJOR -- and I mean, MAJOR!! -- insight on how to create the perfect life for yourself AND for others.
I really encourage you to get the book.
Here's briefly what Dr Vitale discovered about "intentions":
There's Inspiration first, which happens at the subconscious level, and then we decide or not to FOLLOW that inspiration or idea or impulse.
The ego or rational intellect or physical mind is probably making the conscious decision whether or not to FOLLOW the idea, inspiration or intuition.
Rhonda Byrne, producer of the movie The Secret, for instance admitted she received the idea and, in 10 minutes, created the famous trailer.
She COULD have decided, upon receiving the idea, to not do it. Her ego or physical mind might have rationalized, "Oh, boy, that's just too crazy, it will never work! I don't even know HOW it could possibly work!"
Yet, tons of doors opened once she ACTED on her inspiration.
This happened to me particularly this summer, when I launched my new career in artificial intelligence. I ACTED on every idea I had, and I just can't believe the number of great and PROFITABLE ideas that are flowing into my little head!
At this pace, I have to hire hundreds of people to help me execute these ideas (and there's profit-sharing for everyone!).
Anyways, get a copy of Dr Vitale's book, it is BEYOND the Law of Attraction (although that's a great law of manifestation).
It's more like the Law of Divine Will, and once you align with it, you naturally do what is BEST for all human beings. Then, automatically, you are also doing what is BEST for yourself -- for you are an integral part of the whole.
Let me know your thoughts after you read the book!
I will write more on this subject later on.
Friends, I can hardly contain my excitement as I just stepped out of Indigo Bookstore and quickly read Joe Vitale's latest book, Zero Limits.
There's a chapter in there (on the Shocking Truth About Intentions) that contains a MAJOR -- and I mean, MAJOR!! -- insight on how to create the perfect life for yourself AND for others.
I really encourage you to get the book.
Here's briefly what Dr Vitale discovered about "intentions":
There's Inspiration first, which happens at the subconscious level, and then we decide or not to FOLLOW that inspiration or idea or impulse.
The ego or rational intellect or physical mind is probably making the conscious decision whether or not to FOLLOW the idea, inspiration or intuition.
Rhonda Byrne, producer of the movie The Secret, for instance admitted she received the idea and, in 10 minutes, created the famous trailer.
She COULD have decided, upon receiving the idea, to not do it. Her ego or physical mind might have rationalized, "Oh, boy, that's just too crazy, it will never work! I don't even know HOW it could possibly work!"
Yet, tons of doors opened once she ACTED on her inspiration.
This happened to me particularly this summer, when I launched my new career in artificial intelligence. I ACTED on every idea I had, and I just can't believe the number of great and PROFITABLE ideas that are flowing into my little head!
At this pace, I have to hire hundreds of people to help me execute these ideas (and there's profit-sharing for everyone!).
Anyways, get a copy of Dr Vitale's book, it is BEYOND the Law of Attraction (although that's a great law of manifestation).
It's more like the Law of Divine Will, and once you align with it, you naturally do what is BEST for all human beings. Then, automatically, you are also doing what is BEST for yourself -- for you are an integral part of the whole.
Let me know your thoughts after you read the book!
I will write more on this subject later on.
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