Monday, October 09, 2006

The Dad who made me rich vs the Dad who made me poor


Robert Kiyosaki's best-seller Rich Dad Poor Dad could just as well have been titled The Dad who enriched me vs the Dad who impoverished me.

Of course, that title is a bit offensive and has an accusative tone. However, the reality and the truth is the same: one Dad enlightened Kiyosaki financially, opening his intellectual horizons and thereby helping him achieve financial freedom, while the other Dad failed to teach him the valuable financial principles that would set him free as a human being living in society.

To put it more starkly, one Dad failed to teach him how to fight for his freedom, and if it wasn't for his other Dad, who taught him how to think big and strategically and to behave in a financially responsible manner, Kiyosaki would have remained an "economic prisoner" for the rest of his life. He might not even have met his wife Kim, who decided at age 14 to realize her own financial freedom.

I know some readers might react strongly to this posting. This is because we tend to think that our parents, our relatives and our friends have our interests at heart. But the truth is, they cannot help you if they cannot help themselves. If they are NOT on their way to financial freedom, the best they can do is try to comfort you as you struggle in the corporate rat race. Typical advice will sound like this: "Don't work so hard, take some vacation. Start a new hobby. Meet new people."

This is why I say that sometimes, the most dangerous people in your life might be your parents, your siblings and your friends. If their thinking is wrong, you will inevitably adopt the wrong thinking and it WILL jeopardize all your efforts to achieve financial freedom.

I say "dangerous" in the sense that if you do not explicitly examine the thinking and assumptions of your parents, relatives and friends, you might unconsciously adopt their thinking habits and fall into the trap that has been set all along by capitalists, who only want obedient, stable and docile employees.

I say "dangerous" in the sense that they may rob you of a fortune, of an incredible life where you can do anything you want, because you no longer have to worry about money.