Monday, July 24, 2006

3 phases of networking


The networking process is usually composed of three phases:
  1. Visibility, where you attend events and are actually seen by people. Woody Allen said that "80% of success is showing up!"
  2. Credibility, where you establish your expert knowledge or do things that lead people to believe you are credible and reliable. Note: David Maister, the guru of professional services, distinguishes "credibility" (people believe you when you say something) from "reliability" (people trust that you will deliver what you promised)
  3. Profitability, where you create an arrangement between you and the new trusted contact so that you both win (economically or financially -- that is, you both gain something of value which cannot be quantified (economic value) or you both gain something that CAN be quantified (financial value)).

All relationship-building requires time, and it is usually best to follow the above sequence in the right order.

Unfortunately, many networking novices are in a hurry to "strike a deal" at the very first meeting, and thus ruin what could have been a deep-trust, high-value, mutually beneficial relationship.