Friday, August 03, 2007

Are you accumulating capital or misery?

Karl Marx wrote in Das Kapital that there are two kinds of people: the first kind accumulates capital, the second kind accumulates... misery.

He blames the capitalist or ruling class for imposing misery on workers, and it's possible he may have been right in the 19th century.

But today, talent is more mobile than ever. Workers cannot be said to be exploited by any one employer. They can easily resign and find another job.

However, they won't likely achieve financial freedom UNLESS they learn more about capitalism and the rules of the game.

If you want to know more about capitalism, I recommend a little book titled The Mystery of Capital, by Hernando de Soto. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton calls him the smartest economist alive.

As usual, about 5% of the subscribers of this blog will check out the book. Those are the people who will have an edge in all business competitions because they will have secret knowledge of what capitalism is all about.

Unfortunately, people who don't understand what capitalism is all about, will be forced to accumulate miseries their entire lives.

This is why I'm grateful for Marx's blunt categorization: you're either busy accumulating capital, or you're busy accumulating miseries. By miseries, I mean stress, lack of appreciation from the employer, inflexible working conditions, more responsibilities at work without additional resources or staff, more work without extra compensation, etc.

Note: Feel free to ask me questions about the book after you've read it.