Friday, December 02, 2005


Why do you call your blog "Real-time Success Secrets"?

I was reading about RSS (Real Simple Syndication) and the idea hit me: I could use RSS to instantly share my (often borrowed and adapted) success secrets with other people! In trying to come up with a blogzine name, I thought, "why not use that acronym?" so I created "Real-time Success Secrets."

The title of this blogzine also forces me to write every day, so I can share "in real-time" valuable secrets with other people.

Why do you call it "blogzine"?

Oh, it's just to differentiate from ordinary blogs, most of which are not well written. Wired magazine says there are over 5 million bloggers, but most of them just created an account and did not write for a long period of time. The "zine" in blogzine serves to remind me that I should treat this blog as seriously as a printed magazine, and only write clear and effective prose.

Are you a writer by profession?

I'm basically a trainer, coach and innovator. I do write once a month for a community newspaper in Montreal, called Asian Leader. I write the front-page article, which is always about a beautiful and talented Asian woman aged 18 to 30 years of age. It's a tough job, I know, but someone has to do it! :-)

Can you...?

Yes, yes, I know what you're about to ask, and yes, I will put up the photos and articles about these fabulously beautiful and talented Asian women online soon! (Search for Angela Yun Lu on the Web, there are some nice pics of Angela, who was the Miss Chinese Montreal of 2003. Very beautiful and VERY smart!). Her story HERE.